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Para sa mas himsug nga Lower Salug

We are a team of medical students at the Ateneo de Zamboanga University - School of Medicine

who were given the invaluable opportunity to work with the community of Lower Salug Daku

as we grow into socially accountable physicians.

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The Community

Lower Salug Daku is one of the 29 barangays of the municipality of Mahayag. It is home to around 2,000 inhabitants, predominantly Visayans, distributed into more than 400 households. The vicinity is politically subdivided into nine puroks.

In April 2022, the team engaged in primary data collection through house-to-house surveys, interviews, and focus group discussion among key persons to objectively identify the most pressing health issues faced by the community. This led to the diagnosis of three problems:

  • prevalence of improper solid waste management practices
  • prevalence of uncontrolled hypertension
  • susceptibility of most households to flood-related health threats
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Awards received from the Ateneo de Zamboanga University - School of Medicine during the Community Completion Ceremony, held on September 23, 2023

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